New Nature Economy Report II. The Future Of Nature And Business

Enviado por: Patrimonio Biocultural de México
Categoria: Noticias

About the New Nature Economy Report (NNER) series

The series of New Nature Economy Reports (NNER) is being developed under the umbrella of the World Economic Forum’s work on nature, a platform for committed actors to join up ideas and efforts in the run-up to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) COP15 – and in support of the related Business for Nature agenda. The NNER series aims to make the business and economic case for action.

The series will span three reports that focus on the following priorities:

1. Make the case for why nature loss is a material risk to business and the economy, including:

a. The scale and urgency of the nature crisis
b. The potential consequences for society if the crisis remains unchecked
c. The need for business to mainstream nature risk in corporate enterprise risk management

  1. Provide the insights needed to develop practical roadmaps that address the most important drivers of nature loss, and build a nature-positive future, including:
    1. The most pressing business-related threats to nature, which require urgent individual and collective action from business and other economic actors
    2. The key socio-economic transitions needed to tackle the nature crisis; and the potential financial upside from concerted business action
    3. The enforceable, supporting and coherent enabling mechanisms that will be needed to catalyse change at scale
  2. Scope the market and investment opportunities for nature-based solutions to environmental and humanitarian challenges:a. Research solutions across the biodiversity, climate mitigation, climate resilience and ocean agendas b. Assess their economic and nature-building potential
    c. Identify areas and approaches most relevant for private-sector finance

About the World Economic Forum

The World Economic Forum, committed to improving the state of the world, is the international organization for public-private cooperation. The Forum engages the foremost business, political and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.

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